I think it’s a tradition of All Worlds Video’s Playing With Fire porn series to highlight the hottest bodybuilder porn star of that era. This fireman-theme porn introduced me to muscular Ty Fox and Chris Thunder in the original Playing With Fire. Billy Herrington in Playing With Fire 2 and Caesar in Playing With Fire 3.
In the fourth installment of this scorching series, PLAYING WITH FIRE 4: ALARM, director Chi Chi LaRue gives us bodybuilder Mitchell Rock and Matthew Rush.
Hot bodybuilder Mitchell Rock bottoms again in this movie and it’s his third time in a roll he gets fucked in orgy scene (his porn debut TAKEN: TO THE LOWEST LEVEL and GRIDIRON GANG BANG). His scene partners are Matthew Rush, Johnny Hazzard with newcomers Landon Conrad and Drew Cutler.
I hope they will cast Mitchell Rock in one-on-one scene next time.
+ More of Mitchell Rock | Body Builder Porn
+ Watch Playing With Fire | Playing With Fire 2 | Playing With Fire 3

und says
This is pathetic. A big, manly str8 bodybuilder, Mitchell in a bottom role. And of course he is 100% str8. Oh yes…
Steven says
Mitchell has never confessed to being str8 and we all know that he use to/or still is the bf of Adam Killian. Mitchell is the hottest guy in porn at the moment and when he’s on screen he just oozes sex appeal and performs like a real trooper. I am so in lust with him hehehe!
mucko says
What, do you think being a bottom is somehow unmanly? I think a bodybuilder taking cock is one of the most “manly” things there is.
Tommy says
Top or bottom, who cares, he is hot ae hell. Has Mitchell fucked Adam on screen yet? That’s what i really want to see.
tlf_BR says
I love bodybuilder men bottoms.
Bottom twinks are boring.
Declan says
@und, Pathetic seeing Mitch Rock fucked? What exactly is so pathetic about it. I think this is incredibly hot, well, I could do without the tattoos. Being a bottom has mothing to do with being any less masculine. I’m a competitive bodybuilder and a former boxer and I’m a bottom and no has ever once called me “unmanly.” A man’s physical size does not make them any more or less masculine than a smaller, leaner guy. You have a very distorted concept of masculinity. Perhaps you might want to read Freud on men who feel a need to diminish other men’s masculinity.
Jeff says
As someone who is an escort and has done his fair share of porn, I would advise anyone interested in what the life of a porn actor is really like to read Mason Wyler’s blog on the performer called Zane. It pretty accurately describes most of the porno actors’ lives I have met to a T. Erik Rhodes’ site is enlightening as well. Most of these guys are desperate and addicted, steroids, meth, coke, you name it. When you start doing porn and hustling you know you’re in a very bad place. Yes, I include myself in that critique. No gay role models here.
Napoleon says
Oh Jeff, shut up. Who cares. these are all disposable studs created just for fucking and for our pleasure. i say, let them keep fucking and we getting our rocks off. thats the only thing they’re good at, and they do it well.
DaBitch says
OMG, i would luv to see mitchell get bred by matthew!!!
Dan says
@Napolean, what a nasty fuck you are. I’d rather hear from Jeff than a jerk off like you. I doubt any of these porn guys do anything for “your” pleasure. There always has to be the anonymous creep like you on these sites spewing their resentment at the world.
griffrag says
Mitchel Rock has never said he is striaght but Matthew Rush has stated he was and would never bottom but he has.
Rick says
really griffrag? I have heard Matthew Rush many times saying that he was gay. Many times.
Scott says
Because I was a big Steve Cassidy fan, I liked PWF 2 the best. For the last scene, Billy fucks Steve, tho earlier they were part of a group scene. Steve said that shooting that scene took forever and was tortuous, that he and Michael Brandon (who fucks him last) were the only gay guys, that Greg Rockwell and Cameron Sage claimed to be straight and couldn’t keep it up; Billy, at the time, professed to being bi. There was a pretty decent scene, too, with Bo Garrett, Mark Slade and Luke Savage. (Sorry for the mini review; I was just put in mind of that movie.)
Dave says
I loved that scene Scott. Damn, it was so hot seeing Steve Cassidy get fucked by those huge cocks. His only good movie though. I read his blogs on some site and he is the only intelligent porno actor I have ever heard of. Because someone claims to be straight means nothing. I’m not proud to admit that when I played football (soccer in the USA) I told people I was straight as well.
Napoleon says
Shut the fuck up Dan, who are you to criticize me? Get outta my face. This is porn, and porn stars are slabs of meat who perfom for our enjoyment. If you don’t like it go check Martha Stewart
‘s blog.
Alex says
Wow, Napoleon has got some major anger issues. Uh, since you are on the net he is obviously not “in your face.” I bet you don’t get laid much, do you.
Robert says
@ Napoleon,
What a distasteful little excuse for a human being you are! NOBODY deserves to be diminished to a “slab of meat” and I wholeheartedly agree with Dan that nobody is on earth to “perform” for your pleasure!
You have serious psychopathic views of your fellow man. I think a couple of years of intensive psychoanalysis could be the making of you.
Meanwhile I am utterly grateful that there is an ocean between you and me. Wouldn’t want to run into you in a dark deserted alley
DaBitch says
robert, alex, dont be cunts with napoleon, his expressing his views, just like the rest of us. and yes, it is hot to see bodybuilder get bred and humiliated. deal with it bitches.
Rick says
@DaBitch, what a miserable excuse for a human being you are. Please, tell us the last time you had the good fortune of “breeding and humiliating” a bodybuilder. How many times in your posts have you repeated “humiliating” as if that was an integral part of sex? Or having physical contact with any human being? You really should try and contain your anger, it simply reflects your own self-hatred.
Rodwank says
I vagree to that notion that engaging this kind of porn action does nort mean you are a less man than the other. It is by the theory of Sigmund Freud that says, “the determination of being gay is not on the physical attributes of a man but how he THINK and FEELS about his sexuality towards his environment and how he deals with it.
DaBitch says
Rick, u old bag, b quiet and enjoy the porn. Maybe I should stuff my big ol’ dick down ur throat 2 help u remain silent.
Tom says
@DaBitch, I believe you have succeeded in demonstrating what a complete moron you are. Well done, now go away!
Paul says
I love to see Mitchell Rock great bodybuilder bottom for other bodybuilder.
It’s the best thing of the world.
Viva the bodybuilders.