Popular Youtuber Davey Wavey has been collaborating with multiple gay porn stars on his YouTube channel for years. Now he launches his very own porn site called HIMEROS.TV. But it’s a gay porn website nothing like what I’ve seen before.
Davey Wavey recently posted a video “Reinventing Gay Porn” on his channel explaining the mission behind his new porn site. HIMEROS.TV is using the vehicle of porn to teach gay men about sexual exploration, connection and ecstasy. You will also see many familiar gay porn stars like Blake Mitchell, Joey Mills, Josh Brady, Andre Donovan, Pierce Paris, Calvin Banks on the site. Check out the XXX preview video below.

Isiah says
Davey Wavey is going star in gay porn because he have big cock
John says
This is just what the world needs- More gay porn for women.
Eric says
Trust me this is not for women. It will end up as porn what can I say boys will be boys???? yeah? Straight boys love porn just as much as us homos
Eric says
Why are you trying to feminize gay porn. Seems like everything is getting feminized enough. Question why do men never want to join women’s clubs but women always want to break into our man cave? Yikes!!!!!!!
James says
I’d never be able to get his voice out of my head, and he makes it worse by narrating videos. I’m too shallow, I guess, but I hate it.
Dino says
Wtf ? We just want to jerk off and cum, not to watch a sex lesson
Eric says
Thank you bud… what are they trying to reinvent the male sexual experience. It cracks me up how they just try to feminize everything from what’s going on in the news right now to just everything and politics and just the way we live. that’s enough. Straight men have to put their bitches in place finally.
JGB1976 says
I’m sure this would sell more subscriptions if Dave was having sex in the videos.
Eric says
Alfred Wintzer says
It kinda looks like he might. Dunno, though.
I kind of agree with him that maybe some things need to change about porn and that it can be more of a tool for the community, but I think he’s also sort of missing the point, and this is all just a bunch of artsy nonsense.
He just seems like that person at the office who talks a lot and thinks they have a really solid grasp on what the world should be like, but they really just talk louder than everybody, and have probably always been rich and entitled, so nobody ever contradicts them because it would be pointless to argue with them. Except for some reason, he has hundreds of thousands of YouTube followers for being a thirst trap who pretends to have good advice.
DB says
That was well said.
JGB1976 says
Plus I need to see Blake Mitchell graduate to “big boy” porn.
Eric says
Pig! you just can’t let porn go can’t you thank you! I can’t either! yeah!!!
DCpost says
Everyone knows Davey wavey is a thirsty bitch and used his YouTube videos to entice pornstars to meet him. You know he fucks his guests if he can.
steven says
The videos are maybe a minute long each with no penetration. The site is $35 a month. Good lessons for guys wanting to experiment with their existing partners, but not much for us single guys who just want to get off.
Alfred Wintzer says
I think the minute long videos are just the preview you get before you pay, but yeah, it seems like a total rip.
Alfred Wintzer says
I think this could be a good idea, but I don’t think Davey Wavey is the right person to do it.
I don’t care if Davey Wavey is thirsty or not. I don’t care if he’s pretty or not or annoying or not (Even though he is pretty, but also annoying.)
My problem with him is that he pretends to be something that he’s isn’t, and he’s all over the map with the things he says and does. He acts like he’s this wise and accepting and high-moraled soothsayer one minute, and then he goes around saying stuff that doesn’t help anybody at all in an attempt to be funny and stay relevant and viral, like the time that he said that handjobs are a cop out, like it’s any of his business, and could possibly have sent off a wave of ridiculous bitchy behavioral shaming about something that seriously doesn’t matter at all in any way.
I don’t care that he’s effeminate. I disagree with the guy who said there’s too much femininity in gay porn. I think there’s not enough. But Davey Wavey’s problem isn’t that he’s effeminate. He’s not even that femme, really.
And, I don’t care that he’s bitchy. Bitchy can be a fun quality in a person’s personality. But only if you’re not ‘punching down’ and shaming people who don’t deserve it.
This business, and so many of the other overly serious things he’s posted over the years, seems disingenuous and has more to do with his superiority complex than actually filling a social/artistic need that nobody else is handling (which isn’t true anyway, there are already guided explorations and meditations like these available, they just don’t have Davey Wavey money and his face and brand).
Somebody else was pointing out, he seems to think his overt sexual behavior is totally permissible, but he has a lot of problems with things that other people do, and his reasoning for why other people’s being slutty and dirty is a bad thing never seems to add up. It kind of seems like he just thinks a lot of himself and needs to try to be in charge of what everyone else does. It’s like he’s a less volatile, slightly smarter and gayer version of trump with pecs instead of a bad hairdo, but essentially after the same thing; a demanding need for attention and relevance, but without actually being smart enough to deserve it.
My problem with Davey Wavey is that he is a vapid fraud pretending to be the twunk version of Dr. Phil, but he doesn’t really know what he’s talking about, and he doesn’t really care about the LGBTQ community in the way that he pretends to.
If he were more honest about things like; why he loves never wearing a shirt, that he just likes his body and loves attention, I wouldn’t give a fuck. Instead he makes up some phony pseudo-philosophical crap about how he doesn’t understand why we decorate our bodies with cloth. I mean, seriously? What is that bullshit? It’s just another case of him coming up with some convoluted reason he makes up paints other people’s attention-seeking behavior as bad, but he’s different and more smarterer and wants to help people.
That said, I’m almost tempted to pay money to finally fulfill my curiosity of seeing him completely naked, even if the video’s kind of boring, but eh.
And hey, I hope I’m wrong. I hope this helps a lot of people be better at being real sex smart and happier, healthier people, but it kind of seems like this is the “yoga studio in the building that used to be a community cornerstone in a recently gentrified neighborhood” of porn. I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if in one of his lessons, he fucks a Panera bread bowl.
James says
11/3/18: Not only are you handsome, Davey, but your take on homo-erotosism is such a value to we all. My husband/partner, Michael, has been a fan of yours for years. I was married for 43 years to a woman, but truly connected through my bisexuality via Grindr. My life changed the night I met this wonderful man & we are husband-husband, enjoying the best sex of my life (and, he says it, too!). We so connect via every pathway I find viable….intellectually, day-by-day interactions, living & loving, giving & receiving.
He has just shown me your many videos. Your openness & hot presentation, not only turns us both on to possibilities of your venue, but just turns us on to knowledge and your Spirit.
Keep up your good work and Internet popularity connections. Your influence on your possible audiences – the young and we old ( well, Michael at 49 & me at 69) is wonderful.
Michael says he thinks you are in Wilmington, DE in early 2019. We would find it interesting, enticing, & would love to share our level of sensuality, knowledge of your very important topics, and host/share a dinner with you and a few of our smart friends.
Michael Kowch has three books…plus…Google him. The first is filthy & beautiful…it is “The Story of Him & Me”. The next is “Reflections from the Throne – Universal thinking during your daily constitutional”…The third: “Through The Fire”. All Gay-Oriented!
This truly is non-promotional on my part…just for your knowledge. If he knew I told you this…forget about it, I’d just like to show Michael how I like the two of your connections.
PS: not a fan of coincidence, but I was moved by seeing several of your positive videos & applaud YOU for your dedication to make all of us part of the evolution of understanding, acceptance, pleasure, and kindness.