Looks like these “bareback” contents at Sean Cody are here to stay. Following last month Brandon & Pierce Unwrapped video is this hot three-way scene featuring Calvin, Jordan and Dennis. Everyone fucks and gets fucked bareback in this video which runs more than half an hour. They even do the bareback “train fuck.”
But the highlight of this video is definitely when Dennis gets double penetrated by Calvin and Jordan. The scene ends with cum-swallowing and Dennis getting creampied.
Bob says
I can’t wait to try bareback. Looks really hot.
S. says
What some straight guys will do for a buck.
I doubt that any of these 3 are straight. A man who has and keeps an erection while getting fucked in the ass is not straight in my book. Sorry guys. Look at Belami boys. Half of them are flaccid when getting fucked.
Ben says
So hot! Love the bareback! The way sex should be!
gleeholic says
Uh oh!
waht! says
This looks fucking hot, way to start off the year Sean Cody.
Tom says
Whatever you think of the risks involved, bareback sex is much hotter. As edgy and tough as Titanmen might pretend to be this scene from Sean Cody is much hotter. More studios are going to be doing raw sex because of economic factors, it sells better, and the sex is better. There’s nothing like seeing a guy cum in another guy’s ass or down his throat. These are all consensual adults making their own choices. And on top of it Sean Cody still delivers the most handsome guys in porn. Now come on, let’s see the hottest bottom in porn, Jamie, get fucked bareback. I’ve known many porn actors and escorted and they ALL get fucked or fuck raw.
EdWoody says
I am very disappointed.
manu says
Sean Cody is – I think – the biggest mainstream online gay porn site and this wll influence people’s behaviour A LOT I know many youngsters watch their photos/videos and it is part of their sexual development.
.It will also put pressure on other websites to follow the same road . I don’t know how many hundreds of people will get infected thanks to this new trend, but as horrible as this sounds , if ONE model could get sick from these shoots , he could sue the company’s ass and really raise awareness on this issue.
Bareback porn really became trendy after Jeff Palmer’s jump into it, he was an HIV+ AIDS denialist , crystal-meth addict relgious arihead , now you have clean-cut random guys picked up on the street willing to do the same…
HOnestly they might brag as much as they want about the testing , this is not what people remember at the end of the day and the general public does not have access to these technologies . You and your partner have to wait at least 6 weeks to know if you’re positive . Do you really think people who do one-night-stands will bother ?
The answer is no, people keep sinking lower for money . Happy 2012
Alias74 says
Color me…….ALL UP IN IT!!!!
Go, SC!!!!!! Bring it in 2012!
EdWoody says
To the producers/owners of Sean Cody
I’m writing to say that I’m enormously disappointed in you for your recent decision to start filming unsafe sex scenes.
I have been for 10 years a professional porn reviewer, writing as a paid critic since the days of VHS. It is only in the past couple of years that I have decided I simply can’t do it anymore – mostly because of the increasing popularity of bareback porn in the marketplace. I find the complete irresponsibility of it depressing to the point where I cannot bear to be a part of the industry any longer.
I have also followed your site since its launch. You were one of the first studios to launch the straight-to-web format, along with Corbin Fisher, Randy Blue and Chaos Men. I went off CM almost immediately over their decision to promote unsafe sex. CF followed eventually over their likewise decision. That left you and RB as the only ones I was still prepared to give my own money to, even after I no longer received free memberships and screening copies as a critic. I stuck with you through the accusations of homophobia, of favouring your straight models over your gay ones, and through your rather childish and bitchy response of revealing the real name of the model in question. I stuck with you because you had not succumbed to the money-over-morals bareback trend.
But now you have. And why? Do you think you have to, to remain relevant? Consider this – your selling point could have been that you are the studio that cares more about its models AND its viewers than that. “We are the ones who will not give in to the almighty dollar, the ones for whom setting a good example for our fans is more important.” That could have been your niche. Now what are you? One of the whole crowd of studios who don’t care. Wallowing in the mud with the rest. In an attempt to keep up with the times, you’ve given up what made you special and respectable.
Yes, you’ve got a lot of blog chatter out of it. And all press is good press, right? You may get a few more memberships out of this too, but really, they’ll be from people whose money I wouldn’t want to have, and it will come at the expense of your high ground.
And that’s not even considering the fact that you have now given up the chance you had to educate your audience. You may think it’s not your responsibility to educate, only to entertain. That porn is only a fantasy, not anything that people might try to emulate in real life. I think that’s a fantastically naïve perspective. Of course entertainment educates at the same time. “People see murders all the time on TV – it doesn’t mean they’ll go out and murder people,” you’ll say. Well, they have the whole of society telling them not to murder anyone. No-one is telling young gay men how to have sex. The educational system doesn’t even like to admit gay people exist, so they’re certainly not teaching them what they need to know about safe sex. In that absence, porn producers take on an educational responsibility by default. Up to now, you were doing it well. Now you have apparently decided it’s not necessary.
Even if you think it’s NOT your responsibility, that you don’t HAVE to do this, don’t you at least feel that you OUGHT to do this? Why not take the chance you have to teach your viewers good habits, ensure they keep themselves safe to enjoy more sex in the future? Do you not think that’s a good thing to be doing, something you should want to do?
Yes, you placed the “disclaimer” at the front of the clips, written by a highly paid lawyer to make sure you’re legally covered I’m sure. Three points on that. 1 – you wouldn’t have to do that if you just kept using condoms. 2 – if you really think anyone is going to stop to read a safe sex disclaimer and consider what it says before going on to the sex, then I can only assume you’ve never been a teenage boy with a hardon. 3 – the disclaimer itself is hypocritical in the extreme. You claim that you do not support or recommend unprotected sex, yet that’s exactly what you’re doing by producing this scene in the first place, upon which the disclaimer is placed. You even say “it was the hottest thing we’d ever seen,” glorifying it above all your other productions right there while having the gall to say you don’t “support” it.
And you claim you do not recommend unsafe sex “even within a relationship,” and yet in the two scenes in question (so far), you also then go on to clearly say that the models have only just met each other. Within a relationship is bad, but complete strangers is good? Yes yes, they all had tests. So you say. What proof do I have of that? Your word? Do you not realize how many HIV infections in the world came as a result of people trusting another person’s word? I can’t see those tests or those negative results. You know what I can see? A condom.
Test all you want, it’s great that you do. But why not use condoms as well? It is really so difficult or unpleasant or troublesome? Is it really better for you to spend all the money of tests and lawyers and arguments on the internet than it is for you to just slap a condom on your models and provide a good example for your audience as well? I disagree in the strongest possible terms. Because the fact is, you had the opportunity to be part of the solution to the continuing rise of HIV infections. Instead you’ve chosen of your own free will to become party of the problem. When the next innocent gay boy tests positive, you could have rested safe in the knowledge you did nothing to contribute to it. You can’t do that anymore. I can’t prove that watching a bareback porn clip will force him to go out and have unsafe sex, but you can’t prove that it won’t. Why not err on the side of caution?
I hope you can see that this email, assuming you have read it through, is attempting to provide rational arguments to persuade you that you have made the wrong decision. I am not some crazed internet ranter just spouting off without having thought about it. I feel very strongly about this, and I hope I’ve given you some food for thought.
Ed Woody
QMN says
@EdWoody I’m not sure anyone from Sean Cody read my blog. You should send this message to them through email to make sure they get it.
James says
I’m proud of you edwoody for writing that. Like I said before, if all gay porn goes bareback like this, I wont be watching.
Anderson says
@Ed Woody
I will not take party, but I would like you elucidate my question.
Nowadays, straight porn is always filmed “bareback”. Always! This fact not implied a increase of HIV+ among straight men/women, neither epidemics among straight perfomers.
Why would exist a increase of HIV+ among gay men, or epidemics in this industry, if gay porn was also filmed “bareback” as rule?
Do you think gay men are more stupid than straight men? Do you think we will do exactly what we watch on videos? Do you think we will not have discernment to watch one thing as recreation and do another in real life?
It seems, as your understanding, that gay men don’t have the same discernment that straight men have…
Anderson says
I didn’t watch the video yet, but judging by the pictures seems that happened a little “ass to mouth”, not? See, after they fucked without condom there are some oral services!
Rictor says
Ed Woody had been making the rounds and posting the same “message”. While I do not engage in barebacking in my personal life, I wholly support the individuals’ decision and right to do so. It’s their choice. That said, I’m so excited to see Dennis return—and what a cumback!!! Wow!!! I love me some Dennis and only wish the whole video was devoted to him bottoming entirey. Regardless, the entire video was HOT and they all seemed very turned on and in to each other.
manu says
@ Anderson don’t be stupid , you know full well that the AIDS epidemic is a lot more widespread among gay men than among straight people, part of it because of promiscuity .Porn plays a much bigger role in their sexuality than in does for straight men ,very often it’s the only kind of idea you ll have about sex for a long time before actually doing it
Another issue is the inability to talk about it to anyone for many youngsters unless they’re already out and Ok with it .
The safe sex message is just not passed on anymore and I believe this could be the last nail in the coffin.
EdWoody says
@ QMN: I did that first. I then went and posted it onto yours and other blogs to make sure other people saw what I had written.
@ James: thank you for reminding I’m not alone.
@ Anderson: I don’t care about straight porn. Straight people have the whole of society to take care of them. We have to take care of ourselves.
@ Rictor: Yes I have, and I will continue to do so every chance I get.
AJ says
hei says
i hate SC now… i know it sounds horrible but i don’t care if bbing guys get infected, they deserve it, srry… stpd ppl should learn… srry i know it sounds harsh and rude, it’s my bad that i couldn’t phrase it better.
and these SC guys are not straight…just for the record 🙂
rhyO says
Well, in addition to going condom-less, the guys at Sean Cody are also getting a little more verbal, rather than just moaning. I like all the talking. Hot.
GayCareBears says
The old dude’s gotta go though…
GayCareBears says
Let’s just hope that there’s no new disease right around the corner that we don’t have a test for yet. In business people take risks, and that’s all that Sean Cody is doing. But these kids take a risk in their life for a few thousand dollars probably and those gay kids experimenting will emulate. So sad.
Once again, gay people are being taken advantage of off of their disposable income.
charlie_jack says
Dennis is such a bottom, he always looks so happy when he is getting fucked
ALan says
EdWoody’s stance is no different from the Christian Supremacists who demand “abstinence only” sex ed in schools.
Censorship is never the answer.
manu says
@ Anderson you know full well that the AIDS epidemic is a lot more widespread among gay men than among straight people, part of it because of promiscuity .Porn plays a much bigger role in their sexuality than in does for straight men ,very often it’s the only kind of idea you ll have about sex for a long time before actually doing it
Another issue is the inability to talk about it to anyone for many youngsters unless they’re already out and Ok with it .
The safe sex message is just not passed on anymore today and I believe this could be the last nail in the coffin.
@Alan Edwoody is right IMO and this is not censorship but taking responsability for the way you communicate .AS for comparing abstinence to sex with a condom…well I shouldn’t even comment on that
James says
EdWoody is right in his views and I wholeheartedly agree that what these guys are doing is wrong. Alan, you make me laugh with your last comment, comparing gay people who believe in safe sex with Christian Supremacists. Gay people who believe in condom use are educated about sex whilst devout Christians are often not, so your personal perspective is one that is totally uneducated and clutching at straws. There will come a time in the not so distant future where I will quit coming to blogs like this and will perhaps stop watching gay porn altogether. The blatant disregard for personal safety by my gay brothers is alarming. This current generation knows nothing and have obviously not been taught properly about basic health and safety risks when engaging in sex.
Jr says
While I admit that watching bareback is hotter, I’m unnerved by this. In theory, porn is just supposed to be fantasy for the viewers that doesn’t influence their behavior, but that’s not what really happens. Both my own anecdotal experience and statistics show that that gay men are becoming less and less concerned about HIV and that infection rates are on the rise.
The increasing prevalence of bareback in porn is most likely more a reflection of changes in attitudes in the broader culture than a causer of those attitudes. The younger generation has come of age after the first wave of the epidemic when HIV is a more manageable disease and so it doesn’t have the sense of fear and worry that older generations did.
Nonetheless, porn operates in a feedback look with broader sexual behavior, and bareback in something as “mainstream” as Sean Cody will only speed up the rapidly spreading attitudes of nonchalance, particularly very young gay men who’s views on sex are highly impressionable. Sadly, I feel like SC going bareback marks a point of now return.
@ALan – Abstinence education is regarded as a failure precisely because it fails to teach youth how to be safe. To call EdWoods stance as the same as Christian Supremacists is completely missing the point. Calling on porn providers to be aware of the responsibility that they have is in no way censorship.
Jr says
*”feedback loop”
Jr says
** “point of no return” – I clearly need to proofread before commenting.
RawSlut says
LOVE IT!!! More please.
Joe says
Personally, I think EdWoody (stupid handle by the way) and others like him are so sanctimonious. They hide behind morals and AIDS/HIV fear mongering in order to justify their own opinion. Since this is America and a free market, let the consumer decide whether they want condoms or not. If the paying customer wants to see it…then shut the hell up and don’t watch.
EdWoody and his ilk are no better than the Bible beaters at the Parents Television Council who stand ready to protest and boycott at any television series that they believe runs counter to the puritanical standards.
At the end of the day, these studios cannot force performers to do bareback, it is a conscious choice that they – the performers – have made. So, spare us the chest thumping EdWoody and his supporters. Get a life!
James says
I’m not anyone’s “supporter” Joe. I am morally against bareback for my own reasons. Gay porn has done just fine without condomless sex. Its certain people who support it that are creating this niche in the market. Its all good for me. You can have your bareback. I just know I’ll be the one who doesn’t get HIV or any other STD because I knew what a condom was.
Also, why are you comparing us to religious people. Religious people don’t care about gay people and think we all have HIV/AIDS anyway. Your argument is contradicts the truth my friend.
Jake says
I Love Sean Cody and their videos. and this is one hot video. but it doesnt influence me with my decisions i will never have bareback sex with someone i dont care how long ive been with the person. People take risks in everything they do in life. even if there was no bareback porn, people would still do it.
pacific792 says
Dennis is the creepiest, wish SC would drop this guy already.
Snarf says
If you don’t like bareback don’t watch (or partake in it) but spare everyone (including the studios) the priggish sanctimonious self rightousness.
Latino Larry says
sorry in advance for my poor English 🙂
I do hate when people use the whole “studios ain’t forcing them to do this” argument. They might not be forcing them categorically but they clearly manipulate the models.
Most of these straight/bi guys are desperate for money to pay off debts or to pay for drugs and these studios offer them alot of cash per video (like it or not that’s the reality). In this situation you can be certain that “Sean Cody” wouldn’t give the model many options (remember “problematic” models are not called back).
So the options would be either do a bareback scene or you don’t get called back for more work (politely said off course). Seeing as the models are tied in to a one year contract from their 1st solo shoot which means they are not allowed to defect to another adult site/studio, this leaves them limited in their choices especially when they are so desperate for the cash…..how can you really sit there and act as is the studio is innocent….Its laughable.
I’m also sure that “Sean Cody” no longer exists; this site is a headless corporation and has been for many years. This is porn…..the studios job is to make profile and they will do what ever they need to do to keep the profits rolling in, I’m sure they have internal pressure to hit targets like any other business…..some people like it some don’t…who cares, but please stop looking at the studio through rose tinted glasses.
JockBoy says
Sean Cody does have the hottest dudes… Im not sure what to think of the latest two vids on bareback. Ive seen them both. And I don’t know. Thing is alot of guys watch those vids and would not even think of having a cock up their ass or puttin one in another dudes ass. I’m just one of em. Funny how that is and takes the seriousness of it away. And it certainly does.
mel says
The scene is hot, and models seem to enjoy every second. gay sex is about enjoying being with men. What they choose to do regarding safe sex is their private and hopefully an educated decision.
SideEffects says
For so many of you who are PRO bareback sex here is a question for you: Would you date and build a relationship with a guy who is HIV+, take all of the safer sex precautions or would you pass him by?
fuzzy wuzzy says
This whole video seems so over the top…or is it just me? The exaggerated moan/shouting was just absurd 😛 and the BTS were so staged…”casually” talking about their testing lol they did it cos they were paid….
…..Saying that Jordan will always be my fave…even if he looks like he is in alot pain when he gets fucked lol
Bowen says
Get off your high horses, please.
Photographer by day says
Who is on their high horse? People on both sides are speaking the truth.
Photographer by day says
As a photographer I have worked with and known a few guys (past & present) that have worked with cody media. In regards to the behinde the scenes section they all say they same thing,they are told that while the camera is rolling you have to act a certain way, act flirtation, touchy feely, smile/laugh alot and always flirt with the camera guy. In some instances they are also told was to say in the “behinde the scenes” section.
James says
Why haven’t Sean Cody themselves got the guts to comment on this?
JT says
Sad, very sad.
Consider this notion. Sean Cody know men find this hot, even though who wouldn’t be tempted by this.
As a hot bloody guy, I find the idea of fucking without a condom hot too. But I’m a 30 year old man who knows the pure sense of fucking without a condom is the biggest risk in sex.
I’m 30, I have the common sense to know not to follow this example, but what about if a 15-16 year old see’s this, and not having the age and experience to know better, thinks ‘hey, they fuck without a condom, so it must be safe, BECAUSE THATS HOW YOUNGER GUYS THINK, THEY SEE SOMETHING LIKE THIS AND THINK ITS ALRIGHT.
And yet the sleazy directors and producers at sean cody just wash there hands of it, not caring if some teenager gets fucked by a stranger and gets HIV or another STD.
JJ says
Why is Calvin so damn hot? I love when he fucks, I love when he gets fucked. He really enjoys sex with men. I want him as my boyfriend 😀
ben says
Jay says
Morals & ethics aside, this video shows that Sean Cody as a company is in some money trouble. In the early years, there was a couple of condomless scenes, but then they went condoms. Now, with the second raw scene appearing on the site in as many months, I’m inclined to think that there is some financial hardship happening.
Full of cum..i think not says
Why was calvin acting innocent when quizzing Dennis about double penetration? We all know calvin already has experienced having two dicks up his ass. Calvin telling us he had dumped his load inside dennis was a lie, he emptied his load on dennis and then stuck it in dennis. by the time he stuck it back inside him he had finished cumming. This felt heavily staged including their personalities.
Kyle says
I LOVE IT, thank you Sean Cody, you have granted my wishes, and now I’m a member as long as you continue to make more bareback porn. Love it, the more bareback porn, then better.
Also if you have an issue with bareback porn and don’t watch it and shut the hell up. Plain and simple, guys like EDWOODY & JAMES obviously have no life and they are taking porn way too seriously to the postal they will go postal shooting up people then committing suicide. You guys give me the creeps. I’m not going to stop watching bareback porn cause you feel it is so noneducational. And if Sean Cody wants to make more bareback porn to please his fans, that is the studios choice not yours. You can stop watching and whining like a spoiled 5 year old.
Rob says
Occam’s Razor (the simplest explanation is often the most correct), would seem to apply here: men, espceially young men, are known risk takers, and guys who choose to do porn are by and large risk takers as well as being in desperate need of money. The idea of testing-and they are saying thatr they are ONLY testing for HIV which I believe to be absurd, simply does not work that way. An HIV performer who is healthy and on anti-retroviral drugs has recently been proven to be unable to pass on HIV in 99% of cases. In science there simply is NO 100% risk free anything. But what I find curious is that every single time this subject comes up no one mentions the plethora of other sexually transmitted diseases one can catch: anal warts; herpes, syphilis; gonorrhea (which they are now finding cannot be cured by antibiotics since the disease has become resistant; pneumonia; TB; MRSA; hepatitus. As a doctor there are six vaccines we recommend for highly sexually-active gay men. I would be curious if the gentleman (I use the term loosely) at Sean Cody could tell me what they believe the six vaccines are. My guess is they couldn’t. I wonder if these porn actors even bother to get a flu shot or a yearly check up? I had this conversation when I was in Hungary with a porn director there and I simply inquired if he knew the address of the one, single clinic in Budapest that tests for HIV. He had no idea where this clinic was, so I doubt his “models” have ever even been tested. Guys have bareback sex because it is hotter, feels better, and they are unconcerned about rammifications.
ALan says
SideEffects, your question, which implies that HIV+ guys are pariahs, is precisely the problem with the vain moral superiority of the condoms-only police. Many guys ARE poz, have great lives, have boyfriends who are neg. And two poz boyfriends are likely to fuck condomless as well — bareback porn is for poz guys, too. Being HIV+ is not what it used to be. Stop turning our poz brothers into “them.”
Dan says
Looks hot to me!
Kyle says
I love bareback porn and prefer to watch bareback over some boring steroid muscle gay4pay Falcon porn.
RawSlut says
HOT!!! Keep it coming!
Kyle says
Amen RawSlut, I have watch the video twice and love it
James says
Kyle, when you speak you come across as pretty dense. What was that last comment about with the whole postal crap? Come up with some decent examples/comparisons if you’re gonna throw insults.
Troll 4 pay says
lol @ Kyle!!! “EDWOODY & JAMES obviously have no life”, you really need to take a long hard look in the mirror.
Troll 4 pay says
Sean Cody is running out of subs/money to increasing competition from the likes of chaos men, Men.com, next door buddies and the list goes oooon!!! hence why they have gone bareback. looks like people are falling for it. SAME old boring porn buuuuuut WITHOUT condoms…WOOOOOOOOOOOW like that makes such a huge difference lol lol