Check out some hot gay porn videos from TimTales, Kristen Bjorn, and Fuckermate: Nicoli Cole and Ely Chaim flip-fuck bareback, David Montenegro fucks Korar Darver, and César Paulino takes Tim Kruger’s huge cock.

+ Nicoli Cole and Ely Chaim Flip-Fuck Bareback on KRISTEN BJORN

+ David Montenegro Fucks Korar Darver on FUCKERMATE

Wow says
Hello there César Paulino.
R47 says
Ok except for Tim K. Either retire behind the camera completely, Tim, or bottom!
nohetero says
100% agree!!!
c_4 says
Why?? If his topping is good why does he have to Bottom. Not everyone was built or wants to be vers. I don’t see anyone begging Andy Star to top. I wonder why hmmm?
Radek says
Dan says
I know a lot of viewers dislike Tim Kruger. I, on the other hand think Tim is smokin’ hot. As stated before, if you don’t like a particular porn star then don’t watch his scenes. Obviously a lot of people DO like Tim because his web site has been around for a number of years. Hell, I would have sex with Tim on the court house steps at high noon if I ever got the chance!
As far as Kristen Bjorn films, he has for the past several releases spent way too much screen time on boring anal scenes. It’s like he has ran out of ideas and just burns up more tape with anal sex. My last buys from KB has been sleep inducing in a lot of the sex scenes. Minimal oral and loads of anal. Ain’t workin’ KB.
nohetero says
People dislike Tim not for his looks but for his limited performance.
Mike says
I agree with your comment re: Tim 100%! Tim is an incredibly sexy guy in my opinion, so it’s not his looks that I find lacking; it’s his boring and robotic performances that I hate.
I’m a long time subscriber to Tim Tales and I continue to subscribe to Tim Tales not because to Tim, but in spite of Tim. It’s the other performers who I like and that keep me coming back. If Tim only featured himself in his videos, I would have cancelled my subscription a long time ago.
Tim never sucks cock, although he sucked a lot of cock in his numerous appearances in Cazzo Films videos. He also won’t bottom or do bareback scenes, although he did one in the hot tub scene with Flex, Wagner Vittoria and Diego Lauzen (although he tried to hide it for some reason).
As for the bottoming issue, I’m not trying to turn Tim into a bottom. I just want to see him do something different in his scenes and not the same old thing in every video. It’s the same reason I don’t watch Jimmy Durano scenes anymore. Jimmy is still one of the hottest guys in gay porn and he does it all except for bottoming. If I already own many scenes with Jimmy topping, why should I pay more money for him to do the same thing that I’ve already paid for?
Think about this for a second. Tom Cruise is one of the best and most marketable actors in history. Why? Because his roles are versatile (pardon the pun). Would Tom Cruise be as successful if he played the Ethan Hunt role in every film he’s performed in over the past 30 years? Of course not, because no one would pay to see an actor play the same role over and over again. It’s the same principle with porn and it’s not that complicated.
And lastly, I would like to see Andy Star top for a change. Andy is a very hot bottom, but I’m tired of seeing him bottom. Just like I said about Jimmy Durano, I have plenty of content featuring Andy Star as a bottom. Again, why would I spend more of my money to see him do the same thing over and over again? It’s a bad business model and I believe it’s one of the reasons why gay porn is struggling; porn producers don’t give their customers what they want.
PS And I’ve read more than one account that Tim Kruger is actually very versatile in his private life. Don’t know if that’s true, but I’ve heard it enough now that I tend to believe it’s more likely that it’s true than false.
c_4 says
Honestly Mike, had me until you mentioned Tom Cruise. Most of Cruises characters are a rehash of his other characters or the movies lack any real character development a tree stump could play the part. The only reason Tom Cruise has a job is due to his connections in the movie industry through Scientology. All that being said I see your point. I’ve been watch TimTales since it first started and I could use with a bit of a change. I think Tim realized that that is why he has hired and showed a bit more versatile performers Like Louis Ricaute, Jake Cook and there was even a toping Scene with Jonathan Miranda toping Dano ( two of the biggest bottoms at time)
No Thanks says
Ewwww no. Take away that cock and he is about as basic looking of a white guy as you can get.
nigal matery says
Is there a special place that has ugly models, because you seem to be using them alot.