TimTales introduces another twink power bottom, meet Michl Amundson from Germany. In his first sex scene on TimTales, Michl Amundson gets fucked raw by Leon’s huge cock.

Tuesday on Timtales and it’s time for a sexy newcomer to bless your screen. Meet the handsome Michl Amundson from East Germany. He’s young and full of cum. But besides his friendliness and sweet smile, he’s the fortunate owner of a perfect ass. You know that naturally meaty ass that fits in your whole hand? Well, Michl’s got one of those sublime bubble butts and our alpha top Leon took notice. His big fat Brazilian black cock is crazy for that raw hole. Leon couldn’t be more turned on by all that cake. Wait for it little guy, it’s gonna be an unforgettable breeding session. You can expect seeing more of that perfectly meaty fuck hole very soon. Welcome to Timtales Michl. Enjoy 😉
+ Michl Amundson Gets Fucked Raw By Leon’s Huge Cock on TIMTALES
Lolo says
How the mighty have fallen. Sorry, but Michi is femme, skinny guy who could hardly classify as sexy. And those have been TT bottoms for a year now: femme and skinny. Where are the sexy, manly, muscular bottoms that TT used to have like Richard Vallence, Daniel Dias, Juan Lopez, Sunny Colluci, Emir Boscatto etc.? It seems the sexy, muscular bottom guys do not appear on TT anymore. It seems TT have 3-4 CONSTANT unsexy, skinny, never hard bottoms. It seems TT are absolutely going down the drain and they used to be the best. Its all due to the quality of their bottoms.
pornlover says
The self loathing homophobia in your comment is so sad. EVERY GAY MAN IS FEMME. Some men hide it more than others.
I think Michl is extremely sexy!
Lolo says
why? Because I have a type that includes muscular manly bottoms, which TT these days never provides? Its taste, there is no homophobia here, much less self loathing homophobia… Projecting much?
Boydon says
Simmer down. If anyone’s projecting their insecurities it’s you. Have you stopped to consider that Tim’s taste in men is versatile? Perhaps he prefers “femme, skinny” types and is more secure in showcasing his taste now that the attitudes towards inclusivity have clearly shifted, instead of pandering to narrow-minded consumers like yourself who still fawn over unattainable white heterosexuals cis men or gay men who resemble them. And there’s plenty of “muscular manly bottoms” on TT to go around (Saverio, Kai Marcos, Aiorass to name a few) but obviously you’re bothered that the influx of the content you prefer is not as steady and prevalent as it once was. Get with the times already.
Having said that, I do agree that TT’s quality has gone down the drain. I would argue that majority of both bottoms and tops (especially tops) do not meet the standards of what is considered “quality” porn. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure many would find these many attractive and sexy in real life but that doesn’t necessarily translate well on camera. Huge dicks and exceptional bottoming skills are not the only requirements in porn. But above everything else what bothers me the most is the lack of several key elements such as rimming and reciprocating oral sex. This idea that bottoms only get off on serving/worshipping tops is incredibly antiquated and quite frankly homophobic and I can’t believe Tim refuses to change this, despite continuous criticism he faces from the community.
justSaying says
Its also just the lack of general chemistry that has affected recent updates.
In earlier scenes there was a visible connection between the performers and now the bottom might as well be a blow up doll and the top might as well be a mechanical fuck machine as there seems to be zero interaction in these scenes besides a dick going into a hole.
There’s barely any reciprocation, kissing, or even eye contact in a lot of these scenes that make them feel so lifeless.
Simon Templar says
Or the travel restrictions in Europe due to Covid. So the models have difficulty traveling to the coutry/location of filming. Most of the TT models do not live in the country where the scenes are taped.
scfan says
sigh.. yeah thats why i stopped my subscription.
Hot guy says
The bottom is perfect – a slim feminine twink 🙂 But the top, OMG… He’s manly and that’s what’s needed in that position, but… 😮 He ain’t pretty, those ugly tattoos aren’t helping and… He’s got a third leg and not a penis, lol! 😀
R&R says
I hate that every couple of months I sign up at timtales, the scenes after I sign up are not that good. I miss the scenes with Caio Veyron, Dano Guerre, Ian Torres. The guys don’t seem interested or interesting.
Max says
Leon is the most uninteresting TT model ever. Watching him is painful, there is no human aspect left, he is so on high, no connection with the partner, if they gave him piece of wood he would fuck. Sad. They think massive dick is enough.
Tim tales was my favourite for years. Recently is awful. Recent tops are dreadful, unattractive and not interested in partners which mostly very attractive. Is so mechanical and drags based, the same angles and room set. Every week the same. I guess they struggle to find new faces and pay good rate for scenes. They are exploiting drag addicts to the limit until they are unusable any more. Look how many scenes with Leon recently, every week. Probably covid played the role in that.
Loro says
It´s obvous, quality is going down.
It´s totally enough to see the pics and the trailer here on this blog. I would never spend money to see the full scene.
Every “new” model ist overused. We´ll see him with every possible partner over the next weeks.
Same boring camera ankles again and again. The onyl intersting things are if Tim bought a new carpet or couch…or rearranged the books in the shelves.
Most of the TT-men use their “fame” anda become prostitutes – now able to advertise with their scene on TT.
Besides that i wonder how they can do any new scenes during the pandemic. As they film in Berlin Germany they clearly ignore the common rules of social distancing with can be fined with 500€ per person and up to 25.000€ for the organizer.
Alessandro Oliveira Araujo says
I think Tim Tales is to blame for mechanical sex! Leon is a great kisser and cum eater in amateur scenes. Tim Tales forces his models to be inflatable dolls.
Alessandro Oliveira Araujo says
By the way, the bottom is not interisting