For the first time ever, Sean Cody gay porn star Deacon is doing a sex scene without his boyfriend Asher. We watched them in 6-way orgy, 3-way with Brysen, Landon, Derick, and Hector. Now you can watch Deacon in a duo scene with hung gay porn star Randy. Don’t miss this hot scene Deacon gets fucked bareback by Randy.

Deacon tests new waters in his first-ever scene without his partner Asher! Pairing up with Sean Cody favorite Randy, the boys go head to head in a tug-o-war contest before starting the real workout. While Deacon’s ass takes a new kind of pounding with Randy’s gorgeous cock, we can only wonder… where’s Asher?!
Mike says
I never thought Deacon would do a scene without Asher, but I’m guessing Sean Cody “made him an offer he couldn’t refuse!”
Makes you kinda’ wonder if Deacon and Asher are still a couple. Hope so, as they seemed to really care for each other.
Now I guess all of the Asher haters can rejoice!
kevin says
i agree with you.. I hope they are still a couple…there seemed to be some veiled racism behind wanting them to have sex apart from one another..I never thought Asher was that ugly to being with
a says
I’m pretty sure they’re still together.
Asher posted a pic of them on the 28th with the caption: “We ride together, we die together.”
Nicodemus says
Deacon and Asher are very much a couple. I am friends with them and see them often. They show lots of affection and travel frequently together. Their FB posts come up on my feed. I’m giving them a vintage Limoges ashtray for Xmas as a gift to them both. So I’d say yeah they are still definitely a thing. A very cute thing ?
456! says
They just posted Jack will get fucked again on Monday. So I wonder if Asher is the top. Although Jack needs someone like Malcolm to take him on.
David says
Finally!!!! Deacon is so hot and they chose a great top for this. Randy has a huge cock and will put it to great use in this scene. Can’t wait!
Erik says
Deacon should do an interracial with him at a hung black bro
andrew says
Deacon and Randy look awesome together. Watching these two perfectly sculpted muscular bodies interacting sexually is sweet. Boy’s just wanna have fun.
Dino says
Iverson says
Well I guess the Asher haters can celebrate now. This scene better deliver, or else it will only prove Deacon needs Asher in a scene, to shine. Being physically appealing and sexy isn’t enough to gurantee an amazing scene ( Jack & Brysen proved that)
sjb nyc says
Great to see Deacon out on his own. Hopefully it’s the start of many more to cum.
and when the time comes, the page for this scene is broken…
fabulass1 says
Asher is a good looking guy! The comments that state otherwise are just another example of the rampant racism found in the gay community
carl says
Deacon brings new subscribers and that’s what SC is all about. Asher does not. The only reason why they had them together was because Deacon would not leave asher home, but we all knew that Deacon was and still is the star.
Terry says
I always got the impression that ASHER wore the pants in that family.
kevin says
I like Randy better as a bottom myself..and unless you work for SC you have no idea whether Asher brings subscribers onboard or not
Sc lover says
Perfectbut it would be much better and hot if they flip flop
alex says
Deacon is so hot. but please leave your hand off your dick while gettiing fucked, It will be much hotter.
Terry says
I thought it was a HOT video BUT, why did they keep on mentioning Asher? Yes I am sure the only way Deacon was going to be allowed to get fucked by Randy is if he ALSO gets one on one time with Randy. On vacation my ass! You know damn good and well Asher was off camera the whole time calling the shots.
kevin says
now that would be a hot video showing asher calling the shots while deacon is having sex with randy
Not White says
What?!?! The majority of white gay men in a majority white country prefer to watch a white man have sex with another white man?!?!
I’m shocked, appalled, simply flabbergasted.
kevin says
that was snarky
Dino says
Omg again with the racism thing ? Deacon has a better body, that’s it
Iverson says
It was an underwhelming scene. As I suspected, Deacon was always the lesser performer, between him and Asher. Unfortunately here, Randy stole the show here. Deacon is just another cute white guy with muscles, being overhyped and overrated.
Mirror says
Sean Cody has a brand. That brand rarely includes men of color. This “fan” reaction only further enforces their formula. It’s probably the main reason the site is still around after so many years. It has a clear audience that they cater to and there is nothing on the surface wrong with that. Does it further foster the systemic racism in the gay community? Sure. But, so does the fact that this entire country suffers from racism not always recognizable to those with power or who are privileged.
Wanting Deacon to do scenes without Asher can be as innocent as really being attracted to Deacon and wanting to see him get fucked by someone whom one also finds really attractive. However, I have no doubt that there are white gay men who are irrationally annoyed or upset that Deacon is in a relationship with a person of color instead of someone who looks more like themselves. Their fantasy has been shattered. Now they know what it is like to be a person of color attracted to white men who prefer other white men.
kevin says
well said
Fabulass1 says
Here Here