Dave Slick, one of the most popular male webcam models on CHATURBATE, now starts doing gay porn. Leaked And Loaded released his sex tape with gay porn star Billy Santoro last month. You can also watch Dave Slick fuck muscle bottom Sean Duran on Bait Buddies. Dave also released his own gay porn videos on ManyVids.
This hottie is bisexual and versatile. Yes you can watch him both fuck and get fucked in his videos. For those of you who want to get to know this hot male webcam model more, check out Queer Me Now’s exclusive interview with Dave Slick below.
An Interview With Webcam Star Dave Slick
Please introduce yourself. What’s your name, how old are you, where are you from, and how long you have been a webcam model?
My name is Dave Slick. I am twenty six years old from Scottsdale, AZ and I have been a webcam model for two years now.
What’s the story behind your stage name “Dave Slick”?
This is rather comical really. When I started webcamming, I had no idea it would take off and be the start to a career. I wanted something that would be easy for people to remember, and went off using some silly internet name generator. I simply went my middle name of David, and the name of my first pet, which was a gecko named “Slick”. And that was it.
What’s the best and worst things about being a male webcam model?
The greatest thing about being a webcam model is the freedom that I am afforded. I am able to work with whomever whenever I want. It’s wonderful. My schedule is my own and I can plan things on my time. And of course, the people are wonderful. I am part of a very vibrant, exciting, and welcoming community.
Of course, however, here also lies some of the more frustrating aspects. The price of that freedom is also that I am responsible for absolutely everything within my business, I don’t really ever take days off. It also takes on toll on a personal life. The lifestyle I have, limited time, and my general obsession with work make a personal life all but nonexistent.
Do you think your live shows now have changed/improved compare to when you first start? And how?
The differences between my first shows and the shows I put on now are astounding. My way of doing things has evolved so much. I began camming as something to help pay the bills, so it was something I put minimal effort into. I was a solo performer and enjoyed simple shows while chatting with people. That was almost the whole first year. Then I decided to commit to this full time as my understanding of this improved, and I realized the potential there was in exploring the adult entertainment industry for my career.
Now, I do a range of content. Some of the shows remain solo and are laid back. Others are much more intense and are live sex shows with both men and women.
Do you have any advice for new webcam models?
Some of the best advice I can give new cam models is that what you put into this is what you will get out of it. To be successful requires a large amount of work and dedication.
What’s the difference between doing live shows with gay porn stars Vs other webcam models?
There are definitely differences between working with porn stars versus cam models. They both have strengths and weaknesses when performing live for webcam. Cam models tend to have a better grasp on audience engagement and the at times spontaneous nature of the performance. Porn stars, on the other hand, are not as familiar with the nuances involved with camming. However, they make up for it with their ability to perform on camera. They are comfortable and ready to go, always prepared.
Please tell us your experience shooting a gay porn scene for BaitBuddies.
Shooting that scene was just plain fun! Sean Duran is sexy as fuck and was so awesome to work with. And honestly, I felt so much more relaxed than many of my camshows. It’s nice to be told what to do for a change rather than be the one telling others what to do. I had a blast.
What do you think is the main difference between doing live webcam shows and shooting gay porn video?
I find doing live cam shows to be more stressful, especially if you’re working with someone else and you’re just becoming acquainted. It’s part of why I like to have my guests out here a day early. I like to get to know people and learn how to communicate with them. Communication is big. Live cam shows can be very stressful since they can be so spontaneous. Unplanned things happen all the time. And there is the biggest difference between porn and cams I think. On webcams, you can hide nothing. Everything shows, every mistake. With porn, you can make the finished product very idealized, and eliminate anything you don’t want people to see.
You also produce gay sex scenes on ManyVids. Please tell us more about it.
The videos I offer on ManyVids arose as a consequence of my working more with other people. I saw an easy opportunity to provide quality camshows and simultaneously produce “professional amateur” porn. ManyVids has made a great name for itself, and grown significantly in the last year. I chose that for the time being as a platform to sell those videos. They can be seen at daveslick.manyvids.com. I am very particular about the quality of these videos. As time goes on, I continue to make changes to improve quality.
You consider yourself bisexual. What kind of guy turns you on?
I’m definitely into the more masculine guys for sure. It’s interesting really. I like girls to be feminine but men have to be masculine. I like guys younger and older, but fit and not toooooo hairy. I’m not into hairy buttholes or pubes gone wild. 🙂
What’s your favorite sex position?
Oh I totally love to have my dick ridden! And am I lame if I say that I love missionary? It’s so intimate, and I think that just makes sex so much hotter. Think about it. As animals, the belly is one of our most vulnerable parts. Dogs sleep in a ball to protect their stomach, and only lay out when they trust someone. So I feel like missionary is so passionate, being so vulnerable to your partner.
Where’s the craziest place you ever have sex?
Actually, I’d rather answer this as the craziest place I ALMOST had sex. I came so close to having sex on a Ferris wheel at a major amusement park. And I mean close, genitals exposed. Sadly, we hit the very top of the rotation and that put the next cars level with ours. Thankfully, we knew the people behind us. All of a sudden they were able to see directly into our car, which had a light. The laughter commenced immediately.
Tell us 3 things people will be surprised to know about you.
This is difficult because I’m generally an open book. There’s very little about myself people don’t know. First, because it always surprises people, I’d share that as a teenager there was a good chunk of time I was considering becoming a priest. I used to be a devout Catholic. My current career is a little bit different than if I had taken that path. Second, and this is something I’m very open about but when people first learn of it they are always surprised, I’m in recovery. As a young adult I had very serious problems with substance dependency. It was the greatest obstacle in life for me to overcome and I wouldn’t have lasted a hot minute in this industry if I hadn’t already gotten sober. Then I’d say the last one is simple. I actually really prefer lowkey hanging out with a couple people most of the time instead of going out. I can seem very extroverted, as do most cam models. But in reality, I’d say most of us are closet introverts.
What’s next for Dave Slick in 2018?
2017 was a hugeee year for me. My decision to make this my life came at the very start. Since then I’ve gone from a solo performer of very modest means to now doing duo and group performances and producing content with other people. May brought XBIZ Miami and my Top Male Cam Model award win. The summer brought my move to Scottsdale, where I had better access to talent locally and also greater ease of flying talent to me. And every couple months my content has evolved.
I have big hopes and plans for 2018. I hope to have a site launched in the first half of the year, and I hope to continue to produce my own quality content. I only ever see the next steps as moving ahead. I don’t believe in moving backward. 2018 should be an amazing year!
+ Check Out Dave Slick’s Webcam Shows on CHATURBATE

nohetero says
Enough g4p already.
Eric says
He has a perfect beautiful face, and he just needs to hit the gym more often, but I’m still gonna do him in either way, those eyes are just irresistible
Scott says
I see a Ryan Rose stand in. Just give him some more practice and he’ll be the next face of Falcon. Just watch.
Zach says
Well 2018 didnt quite go as he planned